Equity Broking
Investing in equities and financial derivatives is one of the traditional forms. This assists in beating the inflationary pressure by delivering high rates of returns and enhancing the value of the principal amount invested.

Commodity Broking
Commodity trading serves diverse avenues for investment. Based on the historical data, increasing commodities exposure to an existing portfolio helps you increase the returns while lowering the risk.

Portfolio Management Services
Portfolio Management Service offers professional financial portfolio management of your investments with an aim to deliver consistent returns, it relieves you from all monitoring hassles with benefits like regular reviews and strong risk management flexibility.

Algorithmic Trading
Algorithmic (algo) trading is the fastest evolving technology with far-fetched and intelligent functionalities that improve trading performance and speed for market participants.

Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are very ideal for investors who wish to make investments with different investment objectives, giving you the advantage of professional management, lower transaction costs, and diversification, liquidity and tax benefits.

Insurance is the most effective risk management tool protecting individuals and businesses from financial risks arising out of various contingencies. We create personalized and need-based insurance solutions to suit the discerning requirements of customers.